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Remember to Vote


City Hall
103 W. Gregg Street
Mount Enterprise, Texas 75681

Drop by between 8 am and noon and 1 pm and 4 pm - Monday thru Thursday to get your application.

Be part of the growth and excitement of being a part of local government. Check back for updates and listings on forms and notices regarding running for office.

Contact Info

Suzanne M. Pharr
City Secretary
103 W. Gregg St., Mount Enterprise, TX 75681

Relevant Documents

Frequently Asked Questions

When and where can I pick up an application to run for office?

You can pickup an application starting June 13, 2023 from City Hall located at 103 W. Gregg St., Mount Enterprise, TX 75681. Office hours are from 8 am to noon and 1 pm to 4 pm Monday thru Thursday.

When is the deadline to file the application?

Monday, August 21, 2023 5 p.m. - but keep in mind, the application has to be reviewed and approved by the City Secretary and if a new application has to be completed, you need to leave time to complete and still turn it in before the deadline.

What kind of time is demanded of a Mayor or a Council Member?

Mount Enterprise has a full time City Secretary that administers the wishes of the council. Generally, council members are needed the last Tuesday of the month from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. (sometimes more or less - depending on the amount of items on the agenda and if there are public hearings, workshops, etc.). Very rarely a council member may have to help with surveys in the community. There are also training sessions that can be involved to keep you aware of your legal role. A mayor may have more time spent in the office to approve invoices, sign checks, provide leadership and direction to staff based on the council's recommendations and instructions.